-- 初始化模块 local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local moe = {} local moePoint = {} -- 对分割符进行处理 function split(str, splitter) local splitCount = getSplitCount(str, splitter) if splitCount == 1 then local head = str:gsub("(" .. splitter .. ").*", "") local category = "[[Category:" .. head .. "]]" local start, finish = string.find(str, "%" .. splitter) if start then local tail = string.sub(str, start + 1) if splitter == "&" then if tail == "斜体" or tail == "i" or tail == "em" then return "<i>[[" .. head .. "]]</i>" .. category elseif tail == "粗体" or tail == "b" then return "<b>[[" .. head .. "]]</b>" .. category elseif tail == "删除" or tail == "删除线" or tail == "划掉" or tail == "s" or tail == "del" then return "<s>[[" .. head .. "]]</s>" .. category elseif tail == "双线" or tail == "双横线" or tail == "双删除线" then return '<div style="text-decoration:line-through;text-decoration-style:double;display:inline-block;">' .. head .. "</div>" .. category elseif tail == "下划线" or tail == "u" then return "<u>[[" .. head .. "]]</u>" .. category elseif tail == "双下划线" then return '<div style="text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-style:double;display:inline-block;">' .. head .. "</div>" .. category elseif tail == "虚线" then return '<span style="border-bottom:dashed 0.05em;display:inline-block;">[[' ..head .. "]]</span>" .. category -- 存在异常,出现了错误换行 elseif tail == "波浪" or tail == "波浪线" or tail == "wave" then return '<div style="text-decoration:wavy underline;display:inline-block;">[[' ..head .. "]]</div>" .. category elseif tail == "黑幕" then return "{{黑幕|[[" .. head .. "]]}}" .. category elseif tail == "模糊" or tail == "黑雾" or tail == "毛玻璃" or tail == "glass" then return "{{文字模糊|[[" .. head .. "]]|哼,果然还是好奇呢|time=70}}" .. category else return "[[" .. head .. "|" .. tail .. "]]" .. category end elseif splitter == "$" then if tail == "斜体" or tail == "i" or tail == "em" then return "<i>[[" .. head .. "]]</i>" .. category elseif tail == "粗体" or tail == "b" then return "<b>[[" .. head .. "]]</b>" .. category elseif tail == "删除" or tail == "删除线" or tail == "划掉" or tail == "s" or tail == "del" then return "<s>[[" .. head .. "]]</s>" .. category elseif tail == "双线" or tail == "双横线" or tail == "双删除线" then return '<div style="text-decoration:line-through;text-decoration-style:double;display:inline-block;">' .. head .. "</div>" .. category elseif tail == "下划线" or tail == "u" then return "<u>[[" .. head .. "]]</u>" .. category elseif tail == "双下划线" then return '<div style="text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-style:double;display:inline-block;">' .. head .. "</div>" .. category elseif tail == "虚线" then return '<span style="border-bottom:dashed 0.05em;display:inline-block;">[[' ..head .. "]]</span>" .. category -- 存在异常,出现了错误换行 elseif tail == "波浪" or tail == "波浪线" or tail == "wave" then return '<div style="text-decoration:wavy underline;display:inline-block;">[[' ..head .. "]]</div>" .. category elseif tail == "黑幕" then return "{{黑幕|[[" .. head .. "]]}}" .. category elseif tail == "模糊" or tail == "黑雾" or tail == "毛玻璃" or tail == "glass" then return "{{文字模糊|[[" .. head .. "]]|哼,果然还是好奇呢|time=70}}" .. category else return "[[" .. tail .. "]]" .. category end end end elseif splitCount == 2 then return "77977" end end function checkFirstSplit(str) local startA = string.find(str, "[,,]") local startB = string.find(str, "[·/]") if startA and startB then return startA < startB and "A" or "B" elseif not (startA or startB) then return "C" elseif not startA then return "B" else return "A" end end -- 预处理模块,将分隔符全部处理为方便后续判断的符号 function pretreat(str, splitter) local specials = {",", ",", "·", "/"} local first = nil for _, special in ipairs(specials) do if string.find(str, special, 1, true) then first = special break end end for _, special in ipairs(specials) do str = string.gsub(str, special, splitter) end return str end -- 获取目标字符串中有几个分割符 function getSplitCount(str, splitter) local count = 0 for i = 1, #str do if string.sub(str, i, i) == splitter then count = count + 1 end end return count end -- 获取表的长度 function getTableLenth(tab) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(tab) do count = count + 1 end return count end -- 主函数,用于分析传入的参数中是否包含分隔符[,,]或[·/],将接收到的所有参数依次压入moe中 function moe.analysis(point) local points = getArgs(point) for pos = 1, getTableLenth(points) do local str = points[pos] for i = 1, #str do if checkFirstSplit(str) == "A" then return split(pretreat(str, "&"), "&") --return table.insert(moePoint, split(pretreat(str, "&"), "&")) -- 使用","或","分割的场合 elseif checkFirstSplit(str) == "B" then return split(pretreat(str, "$"), "$") --return table.insert(moePoint, split(pretreat(str, "$"), "$")) -- 使用"·"或"/"分割的场合 else return table.insert(moePoint, str) -- 如果没有分隔符,则直接压入 end end end return table.concat(moePoint, "、") -- 取出表内所有元素并合并为一个大字符串输出 end return moe