.bulin-wrapper { position: fixed; overflow: hidden; width: 130px; height: 134px; animation: bulin-move 25s forwards infinite; z-index: 2147483647; user-select: none; } .bulin-wrapper img { position: absolute; height: 134px; animation: bulin-fly 0.5s forwards infinite steps(7); } @keyframes bulin-fly { from { transform: translate(0, 0); } to { transform: translate(-910px, 0); } } @keyframes bulin-move { from { left: 0; top: 0; } 33.3% { left: calc(95vw - 130px); top: calc(95vh - 134px); } 50% { left: calc(95vw - 130px); top: 0; } 66.7% { left: 0; top: calc(95vh - 134px); ; } to { left: 0; top: 0; } }