“ | Let's go! 我们出发! |
” |
潘妮(荒野乱斗) | ||
本名 | 潘妮 penny | |
别号 | 佩妮(繁中翻译)粉毛小妹、 | |
角色名来源 | Penny:意为一分钱 | |
发色 | 粉发 | |
瞳色 | 黑瞳 | |
声优 | Maria Arteaga | |
萌点 | 假小子、海盗、叛逆(更新模型后)不良少女(更新模型后)、眼罩 | |
所属团体 | 海盗团 | |
英雄稀有度 | ||
英雄定位 | ||
相关人士 | 海盗三人组:达里尔、迪克 | |
基础血量 | 3800 | |
移动速度 | 中等(720) |
“ | Penny is rebellious by nature and is the ruler of the sea! She's an unmistakably dangerous character, always on the lookout for thrill-seeking adventures. Whatever she sees, she must get it! |
” |
等级 | 体力 |
普通攻击伤害 |
舰炮生命值 |
舰炮伤害 |
随身妙具 |
星徽之力 |
1 | 3800 | 940 | 2800 | 1200(264)[1] | ||
2 | 3990 | 987 | 2940 | 1260(277) | ||
3 | 4180 | 1034 | 3080 | 1320(290) | ||
4 | 4370 | 1081 | 3220 | 1380(304) | ||
5 | 4560 | 1128 | 3360 | 1440(317) | ||
6 | 4750 | 1175 | 3500 | 1500(330) | ||
7 | 4940 | 1222 | 3640 | 1560(343) | 50px 趣味盐桶 50px 高倍望远镜 |
8 | 5130 | 1269 | 3780 | 1620(356) | ||
9 | 5320 | 1316 | 3920 | 1680(370) | 50px 财大气粗 50px 舰炮冲击 | |
10 | 5510 | 1363 | 4060 | 1740(383) | ||
11 | 5700 | 1410 | 4200 | 1800(396) |
“ | Fire a purse full of Fool's Gold at the enemy. The money bag will break when it hits the enemy, and the scattered gold coins will continue to attack the rear |
” |
爆金短枪(Blast gun) | |
最大弹药数 | 3 |
伤害 | 1410 |
射程 | 中等(8.33格) |
击中敌人后金币飞行距离 | 4格 |
分裂金币枚数 | 3 |
分裂金币伤害 | 钱袋本体的75% |
装弹速度 | 慢(1.8秒 |
超级技能充能率 | 20% |
“ | Penny puts out her signature naval guns to provide fire support for herself! This naval gun not only has a long range, but can also attack the enemy behind the bunker. The projectiles fired will also set the ground on fire! |
” |
老式舰炮(vintage naval gun) | |
舰炮生命值 | 4200 |
舰炮伤害 | 1800(396) |
炮弹爆炸半径 | 2格 |
火焰燃烧半径 | 3.33格 |
投掷炮台最远距离 | 中等(5格) |
炮台最远射程 | 18格 |
炮台射速 | 3.5秒/发 |
炮弹落地所需时间 | 1.5秒 |
超级技能充能率 | 30%(6%) |
“ | Penny detonates her naval gun, creating a powerful shockwave that shatters nearby cover and deals 1500 damage to enemies within range. |
” |
50px | 便携遥控器(remote control) |
消耗炮台 | 1 |
伤害 | 1500 |
使用前提 | 场上有一个炮台 |
每场对战可用次数 | 3 |
“ | Penny throws a bucket of salt to block enemy attacks. The purse she fires breaks and scatters when it hits the salt bucket. |
” |
50px | 趣味盐桶(salty barrel) |
盐桶血量 | 2000 |
钱袋击中木桶后 | 扣除100血随后触发溅射效果 |
每场对战可用次数 | 3 |
“ | Penny ordered the naval guns to fire a round of shelling at her position. |
” |
50px | 船长的罗盘(captain's compass) |
发射炮弹数 | 5 |
伤害 | 1800×5 |
使用前提 | 场上有一个炮台 |
每场对战可用次数 | 3 |
“ | Penny's naval guns will fire at all visible enemy locations within range. |
” |
50px | 高倍望远镜(telescope) |
发射炮弹数 | 取决于敌人数量 |
炮弹伤害 | 1800(396)[2] |
每场对战可用次数 | 3 |
“ | When Penny's cannon is destroyed, it fires 4 shells at nearby enemies, each dealing 1680 damage. |
” |
50px | 终极炮击(ultimate bombardment) |
效果 | 舰炮被摧毁时发射4发炮弹 |
单发炮弹伤害 | 1680[3] |
“ | Every time Penny's purse hits the target, the scattered gold coins scatter wider 100%. |
” |
50px | 财大气粗(deep pockets) |
适用后金币枚数 | 3→5 |
金币散射角度 | 50°→100°[4] |
“ | The shells fired by Penny's naval guns can ignite the ground for 3 seconds. Enemies in the burning area will take 400 damage per second! |
” |
燃烧爆弹(incendiary bomb) | |
伤害 | 400×3 |
“ | Penny's cannon deals 1000 damage when it hits the ground and knocks back nearby enemies. |
” |
50px | 舰炮冲击(naval gun impact) |
伤害 | 1000 |
爆炸范围 | 3格 |