Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
We can do it! We can do it!
We can do it! We can do it!
無我夢中にさせるヴォイス (Peaky Time!)
用令人忘我的Voice(Peaky Time!)
奇想天外ソングで (Peaky Time!)
与异想天开的Song(Peaky Time!)
見目麗しき景色をご覧アソバセどうかな? (Very nice!)
能否招揽您来欣赏此处的绚丽景观?(Very nice!)
遊びゴコロたくさん (Peaky Time!)
爱音乐的心情满满(Peaky Time!)
溢れるほどに満タン (Peaky Time!)
满到快要爆箱(Peaky Time!)
今夜もトコトン上まで いっちゃいましょうか
(Turn up!) All you have to do is
Turn up! All you have to do is
Hey! Hey! Just follow me!
Hey! Hey! Just follow me!
(Turn up!) I will not let you down!
Turn up! I will not let you down!
Hey! Hey! Let's do it!
Hey! Hey! Let's do it!
音を導くはIt's me! ポテンシャル増し増しに
引领声音的人It's me! 可能性正不断堆砌
ずっと青信号 知っているデショ?
誤魔化しようがない この高鳴り
无法骗过 这声吼鸣
Clap your hands! (Clap your hands!)
Clap your hands! (Clap your hands!)
Clap your hands! (Clap your hands!)
Clap your hands! (Clap your hands!)
Here we go!!!!
Here we go!!!!
(Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!')
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
(Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!')
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
This is革命者
This is革命者
(Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!')
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
この歌で(歌で) 声で(声で)
用这歌曲 用这嗓音
ノるかソるかなど お構い無しで
无论成败 都别在意
ド派手にGoing up!
超华丽地Going up!
それはもう大胆に (Peaky Time!)
那也好够大胆的(Peaky Time!)
丸裸にビビッドに (Peaky Time!)
一丝不挂真夺目(Peaky Time!)
底知れない実力で 翻弄するよいいよね? (Yes I am!)
就用我高深莫测的本领来玩弄你吧?(Yes I am!)
駆け引き上手のウインク (Peaky Time!)
神机妙算的Wink(Peaky Time!)
脳内までもフォーリンラブ (Peaky Time!)
让脑子都FALL IN LOVE(Peaky Time!)
朝までグロリアスに 染めちゃいましょうか
(Turn up!) Seize the day, every moment
Turn up! Seize the day, every moment
Hey! Hey! Don't look back!
Hey! Hey! Don't look back!
(Turn up!) Anything, Any place, time
Turn up! Anything, Any place, time
Hey! Hey! Let's do it!
Hey! Hey! Let's do it!
音を操るはIt's me! ノンストップに上機嫌に
操控声音的人It's me!不要停下直到欢欣
あとは楽しめ なりふり構わず
之后只要你享受 别在乎任何东西
何処まででも 本能のまま
无论走到哪里 只管顺着本能
High five! (High five!)
High five! (High five!)
High five! (High five!)
High five! (High five!)
Here we go!!!!
Here we go!!!!
「We can do it!!!!」
We can do it!!!!
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
(Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!')
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
This is革命者
This is革命者
(Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!')
Let's do the 'Big-Bang!' Let's do the 'Big-Bang!'
この歌で(歌で) 声で(声で)
用这歌曲 用这嗓音
ノるかソるかなど お構い無しで
无论成败 都别在意
ド派手にGoing up!
超华丽地Going up!